Our Philosophy

  • Make playing piano a life-long passion.
  • Develop emotional intelligence.
  • Acquire personal qualities for dealing with challenges of the outside world. Broaden the knowledge of music.
  • Shape thinking.

Piano Lessons

Learning to play the piano is a lifelong skill. It provides numerous benefits for the artistic upbringing. You'll find a nurturing environment at our studio where children and adults alike can explore the magical world of music, fostering creativity and self-expression. 

Through piano lessons  you develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and enhanced cognitive abilities. The discipline, patience, and a sense of accomplishment are gained as you progress on your musical journey. 

The curriculum is tailored to individual needs and combines fundamental techniques, music theory, and captivating melodies to inspire pianists of all ages.

Accepting applications for the waitlist

Please inquire about the waitlist option or contact me at 416-456-1635 for recommendations of another piano studio in the area.

General Information 


The lessons are generally conducted on Saturdays at Vitort Music Studio in Oakville, Sixth Line & Dundas.


There will be two public recitals:

  • Sunday, December 18 at 3pm, 2022;
  • Saturday, July 15 at 3pm, 2023.*

In addition, there will be two in-home recitals.

*dates and times are subject to change. 

NB: If the above stated dates/times are not working for your family, please let me know. I will seek out another opportunity for your child to perform. The skill of performing in public is an important part of personal growth and artistic development. I would highly encourage the participation. 


1. January 16-28 (registration by November 1,2022);

2. April 17-22 (registration by January 10);

3. June 5-24 (registration by March 7).

If you’d like your child to do the exam (play at a local musical festival or competition), please speak to me.

Studio Policies 


  • 1 hr $70
  • 45 min $52.50 
  • 30 min $35

Payment is required in advance for the upcoming month within the first week of each month

E-transfer via email zvitort@gmail.com. Please, calculate according to your lesson’s length and payment date.


If for any reason you have to miss your lesson, I will do my best to provide a make-up lesson at a mutually agreeable time within the session. 

  • Fall session: September-December;
  • Winter session: January - March; 
  • Spring session: April - June.

If scheduling a make-up lesson time is not possible, I will provide a refund up to a maximum of 2 missed lessons for each session. The refund will be made at the end of each session. If I cancel your lesson, I will provide a refund within a month of the cancellation, unless you are interested/available for a make-up time or would like to use the funds towards the next month’s payment.


There will be no regularly scheduled lessons during winter break (December 24, 31) and during the March Break (March 17). There will be a two-months break in July and August (unless there is an arrangement to continue lessons during the summer time). The regular schedule will resume the first week of school year calendar (September 8).

Concert Attendance


There will be three music field trips for students and their parents; events will be attended on the weekend at a group rate offered by the music organization; the participation is optional:

  • Toronto Symphony Orchestra at Roy Thomson Hall, suggested age JK-Gr4.


  • Young Classical Musicians Showcase Concert at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Mazzoleni Concert Hall; suggested age 8 and up.


  • Oakville Children’s Chorus; suggested age JK to Grade 6.


I’ve selected these concerts for your children to grow, to learn, to explore music in new ways. The orchestral and choir concerts directly correspond with the way the pianist experiences the music through his instrument. The showcase concert is aimed to inspire. 

All dates, times and locations are TBD and are subject to change.


In case of a “force majeure” situation (lockdowns, natural disasters, special circumstances), all points written above are annulled.

Thank you and looking forward to a productive musical year! Warmly, Zhenya Vitort